Welcome to Packard Communications accent modification and reduction blog!

This site provides posts on a variety of topics including:

  • Internet and Web-Based Resources to improve your spoken American English skills such as web based apps, videos, and other resources to help students improve their American English pronunciation. In addition to pronunciation assistance, these resources provide help with intonation, rate of speech, volume, and language skills.
  • Training and Resources for accent modification in the Portland, Oregon area such as upcoming classes and events in Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro, Oregon.  For instance, Accent Modification events, Professional Communication Skills events, Portland Community College classes, and “Small Intensive Classes,”. Likewise, you will find information on talks or workshops I’m leading in the community.
  • Research and Information on American English Pronunciation and Accent modification
  • News such as articles about the fields of accent reduction and modification, American English pronunciation, American English speech, and intonation of American English.
  • Insight into American English Training Experience such as stories and experiences from working directly every day with my students. Likewise, I will include some of the tricks that I’ve picked up along the way to help improve your pronunciation, including sounds and melody patterns. 

I hope you’ll find the content valuable, engaging, and at times amusing! Thanks and as always, please let me know if you have any questions!

Darren J. Packard M.S., CCC/SLP
Owner and Director
Packard Communications
Phone: 503.201.3008
E-mail: darren@packardcommunications.com
Website: www.packardcommunications.com
Twitter: @PackardCommun
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PackardCommunications
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/darren-packard/48/73a/ba2
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Pronunciation-Portland-Accent-Reduction-Group
Professional Communication Skills Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Communication-Skills-for-Non-Native-English-Professionals/
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/SoundsAmerican

Related information

The above content relates to the following topics: Accent Modification, Accent Reduction, Speaking English, Speech Skills, Learning American English. Secondarily, it relates to: Speech Pronunciation, Intonation Vowels Consonants, Talking Communication, Spelling, Presentation Skills, Interviewing, Conversation, Speech-Language Pathologist. Finally, these topics are related: Online Training Coaching, Private Classes, Seminars, SLP, and Speech Therapist.

Our services cover the following Oregon regions: Portland, Hillsboro, Beaverton, Bethany, Cedar Mill, Cedar Hills, Oak Hills, Lake Oswego. Secondarily, we cover: West Linn, West Slope, Camas, Happy Valley, Rock Creek, Sherwood, Raleigh Hills, Tigard, Tualatin, Gresham, Wilsonville, Aloha. Other areas of Oregon include: Salem, Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Oregon City, Woodburn, Forest Grove, Newberg, Milwaukee, Sherwood, Canby, Troutdale, and Cornelius.

We can provide assistance for anyone hoping to improve upon: American Accent, Chinese Accent, Mandarin Accent, Spanish Accent, British Accent, Indian Accent, Hindi Accent, Arabic Accent, Portuguese Accent, Bengali Accent, Russian Accent. Other accents we can help with are: Japanese Accent, German Accent, Korean Accent, Arabic Accent, French Accent, Vietnamese Accent, Telugu Accent, Marathi Accent, Turkish Accent, Tamil Accent, and  Urdu Accent.